Quicker Growth


Increase Survival Rate


Improve FCR


One of the fastest growing species with a high market demand is the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Several countries that import white shrimp are the European Union (547,000 tons), China (300,000 tons), the United States of America (268,000 tons), and Japan (163,545 tons) [1]. White shrimp are an introduced species that grows enormously in Indonesia. The culture activity of white shrimp started in 2001, right after the production of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon started to decline [2]. White shrimp have several excellences, such as faster growth (around 3.5 g/weeks, while tiger shrimp growth is around 3 g/week), advanced immune system, capability to be cultured in high density (150 ind.m-3), high tolerance to salinity (0.5−45 ppt), and better feed conversion rate (1.2−1.6) [3]. High market demand requires high production using intensive aquaculture to achieve massive production briefly [4]. Intensive aquaculture application in white shrimp production is conducted using a high stock density. It triggers several obstacles, such as stress condition, water quality depression, and low feed efficiency. Moreover, intensive shrimp culture has higher possibility of disease outbreak because of the unstable condition [5] (Widanarni, Putri, & Rahman, 2019).

Case Study 1

Control Pond (DOC 54-59)

Control Pond (DOC 96)

EVMarineGro Pond (DOC 54-59)

EVMarineGro Pond (DOC 96)

Shrimp stage: Post Larvae

Objective: To enhance growth performance​


  • With EVMarineGro, shrimps achieved 36% higher growth rate in 56 days


Case Study 2

Shrimp stage: Juvenile to Grow out

Objective: To promote stress endurance and survival rate


  • With EVMarineGro, shrimps achieved a remarkable survival rate, 40% higher than control in 30 days